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Best and worst colours for Summer types

This week I will reveal the colour palettes for Summer types.

Summers invoke all that is fun and elegant about this time of year. Think bright light from the sun, white puffy clouds in clear blue skies, stormy seas, rainy days, fun at the beach or lake, colourful flowers, ripe berries, beautiful sunsets, and sunrises.

During this time of year, the colours take on a lighter brighter sun-washed appearance. The berry tones and fuchsias come into play as do the greyed-blues that you see in a stormy sea or sky. This too is reflected in the Summer's overall skin, hair, and eyes. They possess a cheerful elegance.

The Summer season is subdivided into three sub-seasons: Light Summer, True Summer and Soft Summer.

Light Summer

This season flows from Light Spring and has very light and cool colours for hair, eyes and skin tone, no contrast between features. The lightest in the Summer Family.

To match the gentle but brighter appearance, Light Summer colours are light and delicate but still fairly colourful like ice cream flavours.

True to this sub-season’s dominant characteristic, Light Summer colours are overall light in value. This is to match the low contrast level of the sub-season’s natural colouring. The palette includes medium-saturated, coolish colours, such as dusty pinks and soft blue-greens. There are no strong contrasts between the colours, only nuances.

Summer is on the whole a lighter palette than either Winter or Autumn – only Spring can compete on lightness – but Light Summers are best at the lightest end of this already relatively light palette.

Apart from white and black, avoid very bright and vibrant colours – such as intense oranges, that will overpower your natural softness and swallow you up. The same is true for extremely dark colours. Finally, stay away from very warm colours – such as warm yellows, oranges, and reds, as these will clash with your natural coolness.

True Summer

This season has cool features, cool skin tones, light colour eyes, medium to dark smoky, hair colours, no sign of warm tones. The coldest in the Summer Family.

This sub-season does not tolerate warm and bright colours and hence True Summer colours are very cool and toned down like a dive into cold water.

True Summer is the season reminiscent of summer days after rain, when the last grey clouds disperse, and the haze refracts all the colours of nature into an amazing kaleidoscope of contrasts.

These colours are cool, calming, and refreshing, like the feeling of water on the skin. They are the colours of water -the blues and greens of ponds, rivers, and deep oceans.

Apart from white and black, avoid dark and intense colours – such as deep purple. Due to the softness of your features, these colours are overbearing. And finally, warm and earthy colours with yellow undertones clash with your natural coolness, so stay away from those as well.

Soft Summer

This season flows into Soft Autumn and has characteristic of some softness in features. Softer skin tones, dark smoky hair colours and light colour eyes. The softest in the Summer Family.

Soft Summers don't tolerate brightness at all, and their colours are therefore extremely toned down so as not to overwhelm their delicate colouring.

Soft Summer is the season of misty days with nebulous paths on foggy landscapes. The colours are gentle and mysterious. They contain so many cold and warm tones that their collision gives rise to a surprisingly harmonious image. And like a chameleon, this sub-season can can show one side or another.

The Soft Summer colour palette contains a lot of grey and olive tones. The colours are not clear, but complex and elusive, almost as if they consisted of many different colours.

Apart from white and black, avoid clear and bright colours – such as intense pinks and blues, which clash with your natural softness and swallow you up. Rich, warm hues – like warm reds and earthy browns, are also not flattering on you since you are on the cooler side of the spectrum.

Are you an Autumn type as me? than you must read next blog to discover your colour palette.

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